Thursday, May 8, 2014


Everything had to stem from something, some idea or thought. As I sit in class and write creatively about something that at first glance looks provocative, I start to think how I can bring creativity into the world of sex trafficking.

Some ideas I came up with were to figure out new ways to catch the pimps, and in addition to that, think of different ways to appeal to the victims.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Masterpiece Interviews

Today I interviewed several people about their projects and what they would be presenting to the class in a few weeks. I found that everyone I talked to had the same worries and/ or wants in means of outreach.

Many people were worried they weren't going to be able to finish their masterpiece in time and on a scale that would be acceptable.

In terms of outreach, many people including myself, said that they feel like they can't reach the audience they had in mind.

Through this experience I have learned that I need to shape the curriculum in order to benefit me.